4. Adding to OSM - mappingdc/myAmerica-mapathon GitHub Wiki
After surveying with field papers or another offline editing tool, it's necessary to add what has been captured to the OSM database. The easiest method involves using a desktop and either the iD web app or JOSM, a stand-alone desktop application.
iD is a popular and easy-to-use web application for editing the OSM database. Where iD excels is in simple edits such as adding points-of-interest, addding tags, or minor adjustments to existing geometry. iD is accessed in the web browser by navigating to the area of interest on the OpenStreetMap.org homepage and clicking the edit button. In addition, iD offers the option to view Mapillary photos that have been taken in the editing area.
See LearnOSM.org for a tutorial on editing with iD
[JOSM](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM) is a feature-rich, desktop application that allows user to perform complex and bulk edits whose functionality can be extended by installation of various plug-in modules. JOSM must be [installed](https://josm.openstreetmap.de/) and OSM map data can be loaded directly in the application or alternatively by clicking the 'edit' button on the [OpenStreetMap.org homepage](http://www.openstreetmap.org/)See LearnOSM.org for tutorials on installing and editing with JOSM