Google API web service keys - mapocosm/Map-Explorer-Open GitHub Wiki

In order to make use of Google API services for finding maps, getting directions, and other web services, you need to build Map Explorer with your vendor-specific Google API keys.

To find out more about getting a vendor-specific API key:

To find out more about setting up a Custom Search Engine:

The code changes are in the Googleness.js file as follows:

  • Change the variable 'googleApiKey' to set your vendor-specific Google API key
  • Change the variable 'mapEngineCX' to set your custom search engine (CSE)

The Googleness.js module makes use of the well documented Google Maps and Places APIs, and searching with a Custom Search Engine:

In addition, use of the Google Maps web service by the MapView Titanium object requires a Google Maps key for production use by a signed app, which is specified in the tiapp.xml file. For more about this: