RoadMap - mapmapteam/openshow GitHub Wiki
Roadmap OpenShow
To do soon
- gui: when the user clicks on a row, select this cue in the cue sheet (unless the cue sheet is running)
- refatoring: reuse OSC sender sockets (using a dict whose keys are (host, port) tuples)
- feature: console widget, for text messages. Actions must be able to write to this.
- gui: move buttons at the top of the window
- feature: stop button
- feature: rewind (home) button
- testing: make sure OSC sending works well
- feature: visual indication that a cue is running
- feature: visually show elapsed time for a cue's pre_wait and post_wait
- feature: keyboard controls
- feature: osc controls
- feature: follow continue
- fix: columns width
- refactoring: make parse_project_file a static method or function
- feature: improve logging system
- bug: project file in recently opened file does not provide full path
- feature: improve error dialog
- feature: toggle button for follow
To do later
- feature: add cues
- feature: save the cue sheet
- feature: delete cues
- feature: edit cue properties (with an inspector or dialog)
- feature: allow to bind specific keys to a cue
- feature: allow to bind specific MIDI notes or controls to a cue
To think about
- rename the software?
- what should the web GUI do?
More actions
- add message actions
- add DMX actions (compatible with the Enttex DMX USB Pro - see in Tempi)
- add MIDI actions (use python-pypm? wrap RtMidi?)
- add audio playback actions (use a simple GStreamer pipeline? or VLC?)
- add serial message actions?
Research and technical watch
- Retrieve the list of devices supported by Crestron
does the open dialog work?