Printing more info with GST_DEBUG - mapmapteam/mapmap GitHub Wiki
To display more info about what is happening with the video with GStreamer, you can provide a value for the GST_DEBUG environment variable.
Some information about to do so is in the following page: Running and debugging GStreamer Applications.
On GNU/Linux, it's pretty simple. Launch a terminal, and run this command:
GST_DEBUG=5 mapmap
On macOS, you can do the same, but then call directly the internal command-line mapmap that is in the macOS bundle:
GST_DEBUG=5 /Applications/
On Windows, it's also possible, but the documentation is not quite clear about it.
Launching MapMap from the command line on Windows should display GST_DEBUG at level 2. It should help you to provide a useful error log in case of problems due to the GStreamer pipeline crashing. Simply do this:
Known issues
FIXME: It seems like we force it to be GST_DEBUG=2 within MapMap, so setting GST_DEBUG manually will not work.