Proposals_GenericSearch - mapfish/mapfish GitHub Wiki

This page describes a generic search system, fell free to add your comments !

##. Tooltips

The tooltip is triggered when the user hover or click on the map.

###. client part Existing code:

  • widget: browser:/trunk/MapFish/client/mfbase/mapfish/widgets/search/Point.js
  • core: browser:/trunk/MapFish/client/mfbase/mapfish/core/Searcher/XY.js



  • Recenter to a specific feature's geometry
  • Highlight matching features (vector highlight, add a marker on the feature, ...)
  • Display results in an OpenLayers.Popup, an ExtJs widget, or anywhere on the page (innerHTML)

###. server part Request parameters (json format):

  • lang - Output language (eg: 'fr', 'en'). If not present, the controller should take the browser language (Accept-Language)
  • layers - List of visible layers (eg: 'a,b,c')


  • Return (Geo)Json and/or html string.
  • Highlight matching feature, WMS highlight or vector highlight
  • html output: The user should be able to create a custom html template for each layer type. By default an unique template is used.


  • for each layer: specify the model (sqlalchemy), the returned attributs and the template name.

##. form search

###. client part Existing code:

  • core : browser:/trunk/MapFish/client/mfbase/mapfish/core/Searcher/Form.js



  • same as tooltips

###. server part request parameters:

  • lang
  • form values - the keys/values from the html form.
  • bbox - Current map extent, used to restrict the search. Requirements:
  • same as tooltips