Home - manups4e/ScaleformUI GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the ScaleformUI wiki!

What is ScaleformUI?

ScaleformUI is a scaleform based library that helps you quickly and easily build Rockstar-like menus and pausemenus, handle notifications, markers, and use some of the most used in-game scaleforms as well.

Where do I begin?

Take a look at our Getting Started page.


  • Support for simple buttons, checkboxes and lists.
  • Support for custom banners from game sprites and your own textures.
  • Easy nested menus for fast and painless nested menu system.
  • Controller support.
  • Mouse controls.
  • Support for all screen resolutions.
  • Item descriptions.
  • Rebindable keys and controls.
  • Badges to decorate your items.
  • Event-based callbacks for C#.
  • Easy and painless PauseMenu creation.
  • Custom instructional buttons.
  • Custom warning screen.
  • Custom big message and midsize message.
  • Timer bars easy and for everyone!

Special Thanks

Thanks to PhilippRendel for helping out on Lua and making it look a lot more easy to use, thanks man.