HowTo Manage Serial Keys - manoukianv/smartdpv-firmware GitHub Wiki

License key management

By default an unregistered product is in demo mode : it works only 5 minutes and stops during 20 minutes before restarting. Registration is checked by the controller when it powers on or after a reboot.

When you receive the product, the license key is already entered and demo mode is disabled. The License Key is written in a file on the supplied USB key and on a sticker placed on the controller.

These operations reset the serial, you will have to enter it again :

To check if you are in demo mode : Plug in the USB cable and click on connect on the desktop.

If you see a red alert in the right "demo mode", there is an issue with the license key (missing or wrong)

Backup/Restore serial key

If you need video tutorial on basic desktop, Click here

Backup serial

  1. Connect the battery to the controller
  2. Connect the USB cable
  3. Launch the Desktop
    1. Select the correct serial Port on the left (check the FAQ on how to determine which port to use)
    2. Click on connect
  4. Go to the SmartDPV tab
  5. Click on "Read Config"
    Store in a safe place the serial keys

Restore serial

  1. Connect the battery to the controller
  2. Connect the USB cable
  3. Launch the Desktop
    1. Select the correct serial Port on the left (check the FAQ on how to determine which port to use)
    2. Click on connect
  4. Go to the SmartDPV tab
  5. Click on "Read Configuration"
  6. Enter the license key in the field "license"
  7. Click on "Write Configuration"
  8. Click on reboot button
  9. Check after reconnect operation that the red alert "demo mode" disappears on the right