Overview of the gameplay - manjil21/Battleships GitHub Wiki
Battleships - Gameplay Overview
Battleships is a guessing game, designed to be played by 2 players. It is played on a grid on which each players fleet of ships are marked. The locations of the ships are hidden from the other player. Players play the game by calling 'shots' at the other player's ships, trying to destroy them. The objective is to destroy the fleet of the opposing player.
The target platform for this project is PC, running Windows, Linux or Mac OS. The click functionality of PCs makes it easy and appropriate for the battleships game.
The visual style will consist of a grid layout for the main battleships board, and a HUD (heads-up display) to display relevant game information such as score, number of hits, number of misses, etc.
The audio style will constitute of a somber, serious background music for the war-like nature of the game, and appropriate sound effects for hits, misses, etc.
In this digitized implementation of the game, players play the game by clicking on the squares where they think the opposing players ships are. Blue squares indicate 'misses', or areas where there are no opposing player ships. Red squares indicate 'hits', area where there is an enemy ship. Following is a visualization of what the game screen may look like: