Gameplay - manjil21/Battleships GitHub Wiki

The game proceeded in series of rounds.Before play starts, every player furtively orchestrates their boats on their essential network. Each ship involves various back to back squares on the matrix, organized either evenly or vertically. The quantity of squares for each ship is controlled by the sort of the ship. The boats can't cover (i.e., just a single ship can possess any given square in the network). The sorts and quantities of boats permitted are the equivalent for every player.These may change contingent upon the tenets.There are five types of boats in the carrier, cruiser, Submarine, Battleship, Destroyer.Each round each player takes a turn to announce a target square in the opponents grid and the opponent tells whether there is a ship in that particular square or not.If it's a hit the players mark their primary grids with a red peg and the player announces what ship has been hit or if its a miss the players mark their primary grid with a white peg. When all the player's ship has been sunk the opponent wins the game.