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Introduction to project

The genealogic web application serves as a tool for managing family tree records. Users are able to create,edit and preview their own family trees through application's GUI.

Application structure

The family relationships data is stored in a SQL database. Core (CRUD operations) of the application's backend is implemented in C#.

For more details, please visit the documentation section

Authors and Contributors

Project supervisor
  • RNDr. Adam Rambousek, Ph.D., učo 60380
  • Hai Duong Tran, učo 445437 (@tranhd95)
  • Dan Polanský, učo 433716 (@danad02)
  • Nikola Šedivcová, učo 433396 (@sedivcovanika)
  • Manh Hung Tran, učo 433556 (@manhhungtran)

Final report

For final report visit this link.