Dependencies - mangstadt/ez-vcard GitHub Wiki

ez-vcard requires Java 1.8 or above.

ez-vcard uses the following dependencies. Many can be excluded, depending on the kind of vCard formats your application requires.

vinnie required
Maven coordinates: com.github.mangstadt:vinnie:2.0.2
A lightweight library that reads and writes "vobject" data (vCard and iCalendar).

jsoup optional
Maven coordinates: org.jsoup:jsoup:1.16.1
HTML parser used for parsing hCards (HTML-encoded vCards).

FreeMarker optional
Maven coordinates: org.freemarker:freemarker:2.3.32
Templating library used for creating HTML pages that contain hCards (HTML-encoded vCards).

Jackson optional
Maven coordinates: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.15.2
JSON library used for parsing and writing jCards (JSON-encoded vCards).

Apache Commons Codec
Maven coordinates: commons-codec:commons-codec:1.10
Utility library providing common decoder/encoder algorithms. Selected portions of this library's source code have been inserted directly into the ez-vcard code base in order to resolve an Android compatibility issue (see this discussion).

Maven-enabled projects can exclude dependencies like so:


    <!-- hCard functionality not needed -->

    <!-- jCard functionality not needed -->

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