API Documentation - mangoapp/backend GitHub Wiki
###Login & Authentication
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/auth | Post | email, password | Logs in user | JWT Auth Token |
/v1/users | Post | firstname,lastname,email,password | Creates new user | Auth Token |
/v1/passwordResetRequest | Post | Emails password reset token | "success", or error message | |
/v1/passwordResetResponse | Post | email,token,password | Updates user email given | "success", or error message |
/v1/users/edit | Post | firstname,lastname,email,password | Updates current user login | New Auth Token |
Note that all API calls outside of the authentication section must have the Auth token provided as a url parameter named "token". The Auth token is returned on a successful login request. |
###Course Management
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/courses | Post | name,section_name,type | Creates new course and section with the type and names given. Type must exist in the types table | "success", or error message |
/v1/courses/sections | Post | course_id,section_name | Creates new section for the specified course. | "success" or error |
/v1/sections | Post | section_id | Deletes the specified section. | "success" or error |
/v1/users/sections | Get | Array of sections the user is enrolled in with associated courses/roles | ||
/v1/users/sections | Post | email,sectionid | Invites user to course. Logged in user must have permission. | "success", or error message |
/v1/users/sections/accept | Post | token | Accepts a section invite, adds user to section | "success", or error message |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/students | Get | List of students in given section | ||
/v1/users/roles/edit | Post | section_id,user_id,role_id | Updates the given users role | "success" or error |
/v1/users/roles/kick | Post | section_id,user_id | Kicks given user from section | "success" or error |
###Announcements Announcements are made to a particular section, not a course. Any user enrolled within the section can view the announcements, but only a TA or instructor can create a new announcement.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/announcements | Post | title,body, sectionID | Creates new announcement with the provided paramaters | "success", or error message |
/v1/announcements/{section_id} | Get | Array of announcements for the specified section, or error message | ||
/v1/announcements/edit | Post | sectionID,announcement_id | Edits the corresponding announcement | "success" or error message |
/v1/announcements/delete | Post | sectionID,announcement_id | Deletes the corresponding announcement | "success" or error message |
###Assignments Announcements are specific to each section. Each assignment can optionally have a deadline. Deadlines should be provided in the format "Y-m-d H:i", for example "2016-01-11 7:58". Body attributes with a * are optional.
If the quiz attribute is set to true, then the quiz data should be provided as json.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/assignments | Get | Array of announcements for the specified section | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/assignments | Post | title,description,filesubmission(boolean),quiz(boolean),*data(json),category_id, *deadline | Creates specified assignment | "success", or error message |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/updateAssignment | Post | title,description,filesubmission(boolean),quiz(boolean),*data(json),category_id, *deadline | Updates specified assignment | "success", or error message |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/deleteAssignment | Post | id | Deletes specified quiz | "success", or error message |
/v1/sections/assignments/{assignment_id} | GET | Gets the quiz data for the given assignment |
###Grades Each assignment can have a grade entry for each student in the assignment's section. Each grade must be assigned a category. A default category worth 100% of the class is created for each section automatically; However, if a new category is created for that section the default category will become worth 0%.
The quiz data should be in the format [0,1,2], where the numbers represent the id of the multiple choice selection.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/grades | Get | Returns grades for the current user in the specified section | ||
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/grades | Get | Returns all grades for all user for specified assignment | ||
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/grades | Post | score, user_id | Creates a grade for the assignment/user given | "success" or error message |
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/updateGrade | Post | score, user_id | Updates the grade for the given grade entry or creates it if it doesnt exist | "success" or error message |
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/deleteGrade | Post | grade_id | Deletes the grade for the given grade entry | "success" or error message |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/myAverage | GET | Gets the current users average grade | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/users/{userId}/currentAverage | GET | Gets the specified users average grade. Requires instructor permissions. | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/allAverages | GET | Gets average grade for all users in section. Requires instructor permissions. | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/submitQuiz | POST | assignment_id, answers | Submits the given quiz | "success" or error message |
###Grade Categories Each section can have multiple grade categories. These are useful for weighting or organizing assignments. All sections have a default category which can not be deleted or updated. Changing which assignments are in which categories is done through the Assignment endpoints, not the category endpoints.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/categories | Get | Returns categories for the given section | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/categories/{category_id}/assignments | Get | Returns assignments inside this category | ||
v1/sections/{section_id}/categories | Post | name,weight | Creates given category | "success" or error message |
v1/sections/{section_id}/updateCategory | Post | id, name,weight | Updates given category | "success" or error message |
v1/sections/{section_id}/deleteCategory | Post | id | Deletes given category | "success" or error message |
###Forum Each course has its own forum space, but we still need to send the section ID that the user is in for authentication purposes.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/forum/{section_id}/threads | Get | Returns all threads in a course forum space | ||
/v1/forum/{section_id}/threads/{thread_id}/posts | Get | Returns all posts in a thread | ||
v1/forum/threads | Post | section_id,title,body,anonymous,sticky | Creates a thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/update | Post | section_id,thread_id,title,body,anonymous,sticky | Updates a thread given a thread_id | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/delete | Post | section_id,thread_id | Deletes given thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/lock | Post | section_id,thread_id | Locks given thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/unlock | Post | section_id,thread_id | Unlocks given thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/sticky | Post | section_id,thread_id | Sticky given thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/threads/unsticky | Post | section_id,thread_id | Unsticky given thread | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/posts | Post | section_id,thread_id,body,anonymous,reply_id | Posts a comment to a thread_id | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/posts/update | Post | section_id,post_id,body,anonymous | Updates given post | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/posts/delete | Post | section_id,post_id | Deletes given post | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/like | Post | section_id,post_id | Likes given post | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/unlike | Post | section_id,post_id | Unlikes given post | "success" or error message |
v1/forum/numLike | Post | section_id,post_id | Total score for given post | score or error message |
###Notifications Each course has its own forum space, but we still need to send the section ID that the user is in for authentication purposes.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/notifications | Get | Returns all unread notifications for hte logged in user | ||
/v1/notifications | Post | id | Marks the specified notification as read | "success" or error message |
###Assignment File Submissions If an assignment has file submission enabled, students may upload files to be graded by their instructor. Files must be in pdf format to be accept by the server. If the deadline for the assignment as passed, no files may be submitted. If students submit a file for the same assignment twice, the new file will replace the old one.
In order to view a file, the logged in user must be the owner of the file or the instructor for that class.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/upload | Post | file | Uploads the given file to the server | "success" or error message |
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/uploads | Get | Returns all submitted files for an assignment | ||
/v1/assignments/{assignment_id}/checkUpload | Get | Returns the submitted file, or "no_file_submitted" | ||
/v1/files/{file_id} | Get | Returns the file with the given id. |
###Course Content Instructors may choose to upload documents to sections they control. This will allow any students in the section to view and download those documents. Course Content uploads work similarly to assignment file uploads. As before, only PDF documents are allowed.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/upload | Post | file | Uploads the given file to the server | "success" or error message |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/uploads | Get | Returns all course content files | ||
/v1/sections/files/{file_id} | Get | Returns the file with the given id. | ||
/v1/sections/files/{file_id}/delete | Post | Deletes the given file. Requires TA permissions. | "success" or error message. |
###Polls Instructors may choose to create in-class polls for their students to take. This is useful for taking attendance or giving in-class quizzes. Polls are created as closed by default. Responses may only be submitted while the poll is open.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/polls | Post | answer,section_id,description | Creates a new poll | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/polls/update | Post | poll_id,answer,section_id,description | Updates the given poll | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/polls/delete | Post | poll_id | Creates the given poll | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/polls | Get | Returns all polls in the section, even closed polls | ||
/v1/sections/{section_id}/activePolls | Get | Returns all currently active polls in the section | ||
/v1/sections/polls/{poll_id}/openPoll | Post | Opens the given poll for responses | "success" or error message. | |
/v1/sections/polls/{poll_id}/closePoll | Post | Closes the given poll for responses | "success" or error message. | |
/v1/sections/polls/{poll_id}/submitResponse | Post | answer | Submits the response given | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/polls/1/responses | Get | Gets a list of responses their users for the poll |
###Search Students or instructors can make use of the unified search feature to quickly look up assignments, threads, and announcements.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/search/{search_query} | Get | Search result data |
###Events Instructors may create events that show up on the course calendar, and will also show up on student's calendars.
URI | Action | Body | Result | Response |
/v1/sections/{section_id}/events | Get | Gets all events in a section | "success" or error message. | |
/v1/users/events | Get | Gets all events a user is subscribed to | "success" or error message. | |
/v1/sections/events/create | Post | title, description, begin (unix timestamp), end (unix timestamp), section_id | Creates the given event | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/events/update | Post | title, description, begin (unix timestamp), end (unix timestamp), section_id, event_id | Updates the given event | "success" or error message. |
/v1/sections/events/delete | Post | title, description, begin (unix timestamp), end (unix timestamp), section_id, event_id | Updates the given event | "success" or error message. |
/v1/calendar/{uuid} | Get | Get iCal given a user UUID (in JWT) | "success" or error message. | |
/v1/calendar/section/{id} | Get | Get iCal given a section id | "success" or error message. |