Development Environment - mangei/onion-routing GitHub Wiki


First of all you need to install Java 8 and the Play Framework:

Details on how to install play can be found here:

You can then use the activator command in your Terminal.

Directory structure

The git repo looks something like this:

  • /directory
  • /node
  • /originator
  • /quote
  • /paper
  • ...

The first four folders contain the boilerplate generated by activator new.


As an IDE I recommend IntelliJ IDEA. It's free for students ( and has support for the Play Framework. You just need to install the Play 2 plugin: IDEA settings -> Plugins -> Install JetBrains plugin -> Play 2.0 support

To generate the necessary IDEA config, you can use activator. Go to the respective folder in and run activator idea. You can then open the folder as an IDEA project.

Running the application

To run the app you can either use the activator ui or configure IDEA. In IDEA create a new running profile for Play2 (if it's not there, check whether you installed the Play plugin). You can also enable live-reload, which makes development much quicker.