SRIP WEEKLY REPORT 2 - manasa2610/SRIP2019-BATCH2 GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the SRIP2019-BATCH2 wiki! Student Name: Lakshmi Manasa MVS Mentor Name : Mr. Niranjan , Mr. Animesh

Week of Internship : 2 Activities: i lost my first half of the week in vacation. Rest of the days were spent learning basics of HTML and CSS

Issues/ Challenges : I was exposed to new type of coding environment since HTML and C language have different applications of their own.I was struggling to use GIT.So,I couldn't commit the code regularly.

Targets Achieved : My equivalent work effort is 8 hours.I was successful in learning the basics and advanced HTML.

Technical Learnings : Python , HTML,C Behavioural Learnings : As the days are passing by,I have become more disciplined and committed towards my work.Taking help from experienced mentors has further exposed me to Open source environment.