Ipv6 setup - malvira/bramble GitHub Wiki

BRamble supports the following ipv6 setup methods:

  • TSP tunnel
  • site-local


BRamble uses the gogoc TSP client.

The supported tunnel brokers are:

  • Lowpan.com via lowpan API key

Support to add:

  • Gogo6/Freenet6
    • This requires a little bit of interfacing work on the settings page. Maybe factoring just for an IPv6 section. There would be a Gogoc section where you'd set anonymous, or your username/password etc..


If no global IPv6 connection can be established then the site-local prefix is used. The prefix to use can be set on the settings page but should default to "fdfd::1/64" (this is similar to the default "aaaa::1/64" but is a valid site-local address).