Gogoc - malvira/bramble GitHub Wiki

BRamble uses gogoc when using TSP to configure IPv6. This is available in most distribuions (e.g. apt-get instal gogoc)

Gogoc has many configuration options typically set in /etc/gogoc/gogoc.conf.

Currently this is a rather messy area of the code and could use some clean-up factoring.

How it works now (almost :) )

The only tunnel supported currently are from Lowpan.com. With a valid Lowpan API key, BRamble will contact Lowpan.com and get a tunnel configuration to use with gogoc. This config is comes back as JSON that has the tunnel server to use as well as the username and password to use with MD5 digest authentication.

The passhash rotates frequently (I believe everytime BRamble runs it will get a new passhash for gogoc). This is really just for simplicity rather than and security reason.

After getting the tunnel info from Lowpan.com, the server, username, password is added to the top of the configuration template suitable for your distribution:

  • bramble/files/debian/etc/gogoc/gogoc.conf.tmpl.debian
  • bramble/files/arch/etc/gogoc/gogoc.conf.tmpl.arch
    • not really, needs to be fixed and see below

Bramble tries to detect your distribution (currently debian vs. arch) but this is probably hacking and should be reworked. It searches for gogoc.conf.tmpl.distro in:

search for lowpan.json config file

search = ['/etc/gogoc', '/var/cache/bradmin', '/etc/lowpan', '/usr/local/etc/lowpan', '.']

And the tunnel config is added to the top.

BRAMBLE THEN CLOBBERS THE SYSTEM gogoc.conf currently defaults to "gogo-conf": "/etc/gogoc" but is configurable in the filestore database.

This setup made sense back when BRamble was administering gogoc with /etc/init.d/gogoc and similar. Now, however, BRamble runs gogoc directly. So it would be best just to specify which config file it should use instead of clobbering the system gogoc.conf.

There has been some hacking an bit-rot here. It needs to get cleaned up and fixed (e.g. the template files for gogoc are not handled properly/the same way for arch and debian)