Architecture - malparty/keywords GitHub Wiki
The solution contains 2x projects:
- Web app
- Test project
Besides, you can also find:
- GitHub Action workflow
- Some config scripts (Docker compose, .editorconfig, build and dev scripts)
Web app (./KeywordsApp/)
We follow core MVC project standards. Besides the Model/View/Controller folders, you will find:
- Areas: Areas are only used by Authentication
- ClientApp: where custom css/js are being codded. Webpack is setup only in this folder
- Data: Containing our Entity Framework Context and its configurations
- HostedService: Contain our background worker to parse pending keywords
- Hubs: Contain our SignalR hub and its interface
- Migrations: Containing the scripts to update the database
- wwwroot: Where the css/js/...
are located as well as thedist
output folder from Webpack
Test project (./KeywordsApp.Tests/)
Running unit tests with X-Unit framework. Tests are organized into main-classes (covering 1 class to be tested). Inside each of these main classes, we encapsulate sub-classes to regroup all tests for 1 given method.
class ClassLevelTests{
class MethodLevelTests{
[Fact] / [Theory]
public void MethodName1_Label(){
At the moment, tests cover 2 main classes:
- UploadFormViewModel, containing CSV File validation rules as well as parsing
- KeywordParserModel, containing Google results HTM parsing & validation rules
The overall execution time is around 150ms for 35 tests.
GitHub Action workflow
- Test: Run unit tests on any Push.
A Docker compose file
Currently only used to handle the Postgres DB.