Teresa Cooper - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

Teresa Cooper is a raep victim, author, owner of No2Abuse.com, and general dumb bitch.

Table of Contents

Asking For It

Teresa asked for it when she made a post stating "...my forum isn't under attack..." during the raid of The Sun forums. Of course anon took this as an open invitation to raid her mercilessly, as well as DDoSing her off of the interbutts.

The Raid

At approximately 7:00pm EST, the No2Abuse forum raids began. Some say it was like walking into a ghost town and then burning it down, due to the forums being almost completely dead. Nonetheless, the forums where spammed to death and taken offline within 15 minutes, causing some rape victims with nobody else to talk to to become an hero.

At 7:30pm, a DDoS attack was started, bringing the site down in about 90 minutes. The site remained down for most of the night.


Many /i/nsurgents are at work to find dox on Teresa, some hoping she will become an hero due to all of the extra stress, others hoping for a book about the dial-up hacker gang rape she has received. She has already deleted her profile on The Sun and left the forums FOREVAH.

A second DDoS took place on the morning of 9/15/07. It left her site completely broken. No2Abuse was booted from the interbutts, and her hosting company began to feel the effects as well.

As of 11/9/08, the site is back up. You know what to do.


See Also

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