Stories - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

These are the folk stories of the internet, sometimes stretching into long, sprawling epics. They're pretty much books in themselves, and gripping reads at that.

  • Densha Otoko - A sentimental love story of a fashionable businesswoman and an awkward nerd, who posted his story real time to the users of 2channel (a direct ancestor to 4chan). With the steadfast support of these users, he manages to get the courage to break out of his shell and go out with the girl. There's a good reason why it became 2005's most popular book, movie, and TV Drama in Japan.
  • In the Beginning There was the Command Line - Neal Stephenson's satirical treatise of UNIX, personal computers, and the merits of graphical vs command line interfaces.
  • A Brief History of UNIX - A History of UNIX, written in biography form.
  • The Curse of the Text Editor - The title says it all.
  • Damaged Goods - What happens when Anonymous decides to grow a heart and help a literally broken girl smile again? This is the story of a registered male nurse who posted to 4chan about his newest patient, a triple amputee orphan. Believing that there was no way he could help her, he posted his story on /b/, hoping for some lulzy responses. But rather than tell him to rape the loli, Anonymous began to show empathy in epic proportions, pressing the man to give the girl a shoulder to cry on and possibly even adopt her.
  • Blindmute Loli - A spiritual sequel to Damaged Goods, Blindmute Loli is about an American everyman who finds his life turned upside down after he saves an orphan from the street. The injustice he suffers and the struggles he goes though just to see his adopted daugther will make you laugh, and will make you cry. Who knows if it's real or not, it's a good story nevertheless.
  • Tramp Anon - A touching and famous story about an anon who is thrown out of the house as a youngster, homeless in a cold and hungry world. He faces tremendous pain and struggle in a vicious cycle of poverty, relying only on his will to survive. An immigrant girl decides to cut him some slack when no one else would, and bring him back to a normal life.
  • Uncle Anon - It's a sad, yet touching story of the forbidden fruit of incest. Some have called it the modern-day Lolita.
  • Pools Closed Novel - WTF is this? A mess of memes created as a copypasta by anons on /b/.
  • The Great Scam - A tale of Nightfreeze's investment scam in EVE Online. It shows how such nice people could pull off something this evil, but more so of the immateriality of gaming.
  • American Dream - A once-hardworking forgotten manager gets paid doing absolutely nothing except browse the internet. This is a tale of his struggle to maintain his lifestyle against the forces of Human Resources and jealous bosses. As time goes on, he realizes that he has achieved what few others have experienced: The American Dream.
  • Rome Sweet Rome - A story of what happens when an American Battalion suddenly finds themselves in the Roman Empire. It got a huge following in it's initial release, and even a movie deal.
  • 1984 Sweet 1984 - A story of what happens when a man from 2011 wakes up in the year 1984. Due to it's similar inception to the above story, this bastardized title was born.


Mostly from the Anarchists Cookbook.

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