Stickam - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

right Stickam is a site where jailbait converges into a delicious sea of soft skin, sweet smells and pink nipples. A favorite pastime of /i/nsurgents 'round the globe is to barge into user's room, which will typically have a webcam pointed at their barely pubescent gyrating pelvis, and demand keyboards and shoes on heads.


  • People to raid include:
    • Emo looking faggots
    • Aforementioned JB
    • Fat people
  • Use the Camtasia Raid Pack to fake a camera and display gore/lulz. An old school favorite is MC Hammer's Can't Touch This music video and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air intro.
  • Jerk off on cam. It takes some guts to do it, but the results are always lulz. Either you'll get b&, or people will cheer you on.
  • Shift+Enter enters a new line, without sending a message. Steal someone's font color, and make the pedo make a move on the 11 year old in the channel for lulz.
  • Easiest way to raise a shitstorm is to simply insult someone. That's all. Then proceed to laugh as they make complete and total asses of themselves. Bonus points if they think it was someone other than you. If that's the case, DON'T LET UP!



Camtasia Raid Pack

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