Operation Valkyrie 2 - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

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We need a good, reasonless, hate-filled raid to purge /b/ cancer and promote the maturation of the hate tumors.


  1. Do research
    1. Get dox: name, phone number, email, other accounts
    2. Document under 'dox'
  2. Specific
    1. Sign up for commenter accounts on web 2.0 news aggregation sites, and make legitimate sounding posts exposing her parent's actions, the legality of their daughter's death threads (i.e, "brain slushie", "[all]get AIDS and die", etc).
    2. Make new Jewtube accounts and upload the full collection of videos with tags. If enough people upload them, Jewtube may get bored of banning people. It's pointless, but appeal the bans. Get the right mod and they may whitelist the vid, as it does not violate TOS. This will go a long way toward making the general public aware of the extent of this child's shenanigans. (PROTIP: Set videos to private until indexed, then switch to public. Flaggers look for new videos by date and keyword.)
  3. Spam and troll all videos and accounts
  4. Get /b/lackup
    1. Post the raid image a/b/road




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