Operation New World Revolution - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki


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it is the opinion of the editor that this PoA sucks dick and should be revised immediately. Step 1. Recognition - Let them know we target them, spread the word

Step 2. Planning - Choose targets wisely.

Step 3. Action - Attack and destroy


Proposed targets include, but are not limited to: Lochkeed Martin, Haliburton, L-3 Communications, Fox News, CNN Attack national opinion polls. Prevent political parties from quoting or using poll data.

Spread the word 101

Copypasta to Omegle, Chatroulette, etc:

We need to get informative websites high up the list for searches such as net neutrality, government censorship etc

High traffic websites: facebook, twitter, youtube, gooogle trends

Get on twitter, #nwr URGENT! TWEET #NWR AND ADD OTHERS WHO DO IT, AND RETWEET THEM http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23nwr

wat do?

Join the IRC at http://miburl.com/2LehHi and check out the Piratepad at http://piratenpad.de/L7QClDArPs Both hold the keys to wat do.



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