Operation Limbaaaw - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

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Gentlemen. You all remember the Hal Turner raids, and the lulz they brought; you remember the Tom Green raids, and how they made us feel. What I am proposing dwarfs both of them. Three Words: Rush Fucking Limbaugh. This ain't a PA request. Though i do lean left (I'll admit that), I am more disgusted at Rush Limbaugh's fat, sweaty, pain-killer addicted body.



  1. We spread rumors, whisper campaigns. We contact several bloggers and newspapers and inform them that he's a furry. Might not work, but the effort is worth it (it might actually be true, anyhow).
  2. Begin Hal Turneresque prank call tactics. Raid him for great justice. He might have screeners, so make up some bullshit story about how Obama is the antichrist or some shit.
  3. Life ruination tactics (pizza, others).
  4. Limbaugh an heros, we all live happily ever after.
  5. ????
You can also SODD his site if you wish, but isn't the main part of this raid.


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