Operation Holydiver - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

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Trolls (i.e., lawyers) over at the Westboro Baptist Church plan to picket Dio's funeral. While the idea of a couple of jews getting pounded by legions of angry middle aged white men is attractive enough, adding insult to injury is always good fun.



Let us be clear: there is to be no IRL raiding. Chances are that the attending fans would be able to do more than us, anyway, and you can count on some sort of faggy counter-protest regardless


We all know Fred Phelps, their Dear Leader, is a closet homosexual. By sending him samples of hardcore gay pornography, preferably involving gratuitous assplay involving hairy, leather-wearing, handle-bar-mustache-clad bears, we can ease him out of the closet.


LGW NMap = http://freetexthost.com/brccbnovmm (pw = anonymous)
DD NMap = http://freetexthost.com/65rbzihako (pw = anonymous2)
/r/ Nikto scann
never drop a scan with date and time
They're well known at this point, and are being botted by someone unrelated to us. No target to hit. Focus on Ruination instead.


These are more subtle ways to coaxing the lulz from Phelp's ass.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Send emails to Phelps, pretending to be a Christian and criticizing his methods. He tends to post responses on his blog, which can be pretty lulzy.

Wolf in middle of field not even trying to hide itself

Try and fit every stereotype that Westboro uses. Be an evil, socialist, gay-agenda-touting Satanist, and makes damn sure he knows it. Create troll accounts on social networking sites, and create groups for them. Send his blog messages saying as such. Join this: http://its.goofyti.me/u/http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001143998917#!/group.php?gid=130836150261383&ref=ts





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