Operation Bre.2Fi.2Fn - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

  • IRC
    • irc.slacknet.org #/b/
 [[File:Brein.png|thumb|209px|right|The plan, as outlined by /i/nsurgents.]]

Stichting BREIN (Lit. BRAIN Foundation...wtf?) is a Dutch company somewhat akin to the RIAA that apparently thinks it can censor the Internets.

In July, 2009 it successfully managed to persuade a judge to block ISPs in the Netherlands from accessing Pirate Bay. The organizers of the Pirate Bay were given 10 days to block traffic to and from the Netherlands, or face stiff fines.

/b/, of course, after the recent AT&T debacle, was up in arms about this (and if you think net neutrality is moralfaggotry, shut the fuck up), and immediately DDoSed BREIN's website (?) into sweet cyberspace oblivion.

BREIN has a history with this sort of censorship. Popular BitTorrent tracker site OiNK was shut down within five days of being reported to the company. The CEO of BREIN, Tim Kuik, is currently under attack by Anonymous. Dox have not yet been confirmed as legitimate, but confirmation should be forthcoming.

Base of operations stationed on irc.slacknet.org #/b/.

NEWSFLASH: Timmy's being sued by The Pirate Bay for Abuse and Slander! GO! GO! GO! http://anonym.to/http://thepiratebay.org/blog/168

Table of Contents


Tim Kuik Business Address:

 Home phone: +31 (0)23 799 7870
 Cell phone: 06-20395800
 Fax number: 31-023-7997720 (business)



 Twitter: http://anonym.to/http://twitter.com/stichtingbrein


This section needs moar, help by editing it.


Brein's email(?) server uses entirely open source software. It's all a bit out-of-date though.

Not shown: 92 closed ports
21/tcp  open     ftp          vsftpd 2.0.6
22/tcp  open     ssh          OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1.2 (protocol 2.0)
25/tcp  filtered smtp
53/tcp  open     tcpwrapped
80/tcp  open     http?
135/tcp filtered msrpc
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux

I'm guessing the http is Apache. This is from stichtingbrein.nl


External Links

Category:Project Baylout Category:Raids
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