Direct Wiretap - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is basically a re-write of a previous tutorial on wiretapping. this tutorial is aimed at people who want to monitor/record phone conversations, but are too lazy to read a complicated diagram. Keeping this in mind, this method is not exactly good for the phone line, phones, tape recorder, etc. The pros and cons are listed below.

  • PROS

    • Easy to make
    • Requires next-to-no technical knowlage
    • Made quickly
    • Cheap
  • Cons

    • Not good for phone/phone line
    • Lowers phone volume on all ends
    • ILLEGAL AS HELL Now, let's begin! First, let's gather the ingredients...
  • 1x Tape recorder

  • 1x Blank tape

  • 1x Phone line

  • 1x Headphone cable

  • 1x Wirestippers/pocket knife/etc

  • 1x Roll electrical tape

  • 1x Scissors Once you get these, it is time to begin. First off, cut the headphones off of the headphone cable, so that the end you plug into the cd player/computer is left attached to the cable. +----------------Headphone Cable------------------+ | | |-|=|===||+++++++++++++++++++++|| <-- cut off here| | | +-------------------------------------------------+ Second, Cut one of the phone jack off of the phone cable. +------------------Phone Cable--------------------+ | | |-|=|===||+++++++++++++++++++++|| <-- cut off here| | | +-------------------------------------------------+ After this, strip about 5 inches of the phone cord from the end that does not have a phone jack. Thenstrip about 5 inches from the headphone cable (not the end with the headphone jack). +----------------Phone/Headphone------------------+ | -------------------------------+====RED==== | | end with jack | | | -------------------------------+===GREEN=== | | | | -------------------------------+====RED==== | | end with jack |===WHITE=== | | -------------------------------+===GREEN=== | | | +-------------------------------------------------+

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