Chris Crocker - malkovich/bibanon GitHub Wiki

Chris Crocker is an increasingly popular internet super-homo. His retarded videos (mostly rants, "skits", and gay incest porn) are such a blackhole of suck it's amazing it hasn't imploded the intertubes. To make matters worse, as is usual with cam-whores he has amassed a fanatical following of teenage idiots. Garnering hundreds of thousands of video views for every one of his videos on PooTube and Myshit.

Leave Britney Alone!!

Already known to be terrifyingly obsessed with obese superslut Britney Spears, Chris attained massive fame and near absolute fail when he posted a video "defending" his chubby idol. In the video, Chris screams, cries, yells, and confuses watchers about which gender he is. He goes on to bawww about how much Britney has been through (divorce, kids, oh noes!) and how mean everyone and Perez Hilton are to her after her atrocious VMA performance. After several minutes of what will become gitmo torture footage, Crocker concludes by telling all of his million plus viewers that anyone with a problem with Britney should deal with him. His famous line "Leave Brittany Alone!" has made him as mainstream as "Don't Tase me Bro!" and 2girls1cup.


During the raid on internet whore (Julie Abra Fischer), the target got frightened by the viral spread of her personal information across the internets and resorted to contacting the El Monte police department. They sent Officer Santana to protect her from Anonymous.

Later on in the raid, a discussion broke out about whether or not Officer Santana should also become a target. A jpeg of Chris Crocker was posted with the words "Leave Santana Alone" pasted across his face.

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Category: Enemies
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