Usage - makroid/TrainSchedule GitHub Wiki
compiling the source
needs QT >= 4.6 (with qwebkit module)
cd trainschedule-build
import the .pro file in Qt-creator and adapt the building path.
running the program
Having started the program, click Edit->"New Week" to add a new week to the schedule. Double click on a day will open a dialog window as pictured in screenshots. Creating a route should be intuitive.
To set a new default map center position (and thus replacing Munich Hauptbahnhof), click Edit->Options.
Mode (run/bike/manual) can be changed by pressing "shift".
To find a location, press "l", type in your address and press enter.
Since often parts of a route (or even a complete route) are coming up repeatedly, it is annoying to have to click these "segments" again each time. Is is more comfortable to create the segment/tour once and add it to "my routes" (equipped with an expressive name). All entries in "my routes" can then be used when creating a new route: starting from the current location "cl", a double click on any route R in "my routes" (which are sorted with respect to the distance to "cl") joins the route ending at "cl" with R.
(there are two possibilities: 1) R and the route ending at "cl" don't overlap 2) they overlap, see also todos.)
A route to the Isarwehr has already been created. Furthermore, a few route segments are available (in the table at the left side - they can be created by starting a route and pressing the "Add..." button when the route segment is complete):
My routes table is updated so that "Isarwehr - Aumeister" is at first position now. Next, the route segment "Isarwehr - Aumeister" is selected by a double click:
My routes table is again updated, now "Aumeister - Alte Heide" being at rank one. If you want to continue your route to "Alte Heide", select the first entry in "my routes", otherwise (double-)click on whichever position is next on the map.