Ryan's Work Log - makethecontestgreatagain/open-contest GitHub Wiki

Date Time Spent Description
3/29/2019 .75 Forked organization repository; began working through warm-up; set up work log
4/2/2019 .5 Copied issues from open-contest to this repository; researched fix for creating contest bug
4/2/2019 .5 Pushed fix for contest creation bug; worked on assigning issues
4/6/2019 1 Began work on issue #3; began familiarizing myself with the code base
4/9/2019 1 Finished issue #3; began work on issue #18
4/10/2019 7 Finished issue #18; worked extensively on issue #10 (to no avail) and issue #4
4/11/2019 5 Finished issue #4; began and finished issue #8; worked on issue #10 some more (also with no success); created branch for issue #19 with beginning steps (database updates, rudimentary HTML changes, and client-side JavaScript updates)
4/12/2019 .5 Began merging features into the master branch
4/13/2019 .75 Finished integrating changes into the master branch
4/15/2019 .5 Final bug testing

Total time spent: 17.5 hours