Automatic go back to zero point - makerbase-mks/MKS-SERVO42C GitHub Wiki

This function must be run in CR_vFOC or CR_UART mode.

  1. Power off the motor, rotate the motor to the zero point.

  2. Power on the motor.

  3. Set 0_Mode to “DirMode”.

  4. Set “Set 0” to set the zero point.

  5. Set 0_Speed to “2”

  6. Set 0_Dir to “CW”.

    Note: If 0_Mode is set to “NearMode”,and the screen show “Back to Origin Fail!!!”. Please set 0_Dir to “CCW”,and try it again.

  7. Power off the motor, rotate the motor away from the zero point.

  8. Power on, the motor will go back to the zero point.