MKS_UPS - makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V2.X GitHub Wiki
How to buy
- MKS UPS on Aliexpress MKS UPS
Video Tutorials
- If display is LCD12864. It can be referred to LCD12864 UPS
- MKS UPS12V can only be used for DC12V power,MKS UPS24V can only be used for DC24V power.
Working process
- When AC power supply is cut off, the MKS UPS detects it and send signal to motherboard;
- The power stored in the MKS UPS and PSU continues to supply power to the motherboard;
- Motherboard detects the power-off signal, stop printing, turn off hotbed and hotend, lift z axis;
- The power stored in MKS UPS is generally lift z axis 20mm-200mm;
- When power supply is restored, resume printing through LCD/TFT screen.
- MKS UPS L N connect to AC power, support AC110 and AC220
- MKS UPS12V DC12V interface connect to DC12V power, MKS UPS24V DC24V interface connect DC24V power
- MKS UPS signle out connect to PW_DET
Firmware setting
- Configuration_adv.h:
- Enable #define POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY
- Set #define PLR_ENABLED_DEFAULT true
- Enable #define BACKUP_POWER_SUPPLY
- Set #define POWER_LOSS_ZRAISE 20 //mm,can change up to 200
- Set #define POWER_LOSS_PIN PA2
How to use
Work with MKS TS35
- Usage method
- The external power is cut off directly, the Z axis is improved
- Power on again, LCD screen choose to resume printing
- Usage method
Work with LCD12864
- Usage method
- The external power is cut off directly, the Z axis is improved
- Power on again, LCD screen choose to resume printing
- Usage method