Display_MKS_TS35 - makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V2.X GitHub Wiki
Motherboard connect
- MKS TS35 connect to MKS Robin Nano V2 motherboard by EXP1,EXP2
Marlin firmware setting
If you download Mks-Robin-Nano-Marlin2.0-Firmware
- You needn't change it and MKS has config is OK, compile firmware
If you download marlin official
- Configuration.h file : enable #define MKS_TS35_V2_0
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TFT_LVGL_UI
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TOUCH_SCREEN
128x64 Marlin UI
- Configuration.h file : enable #define MKS_TS35_V2_0
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TFT_CLASSIC_UI
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TOUCH_SCREEN
Color Marlin UI
- Configuration.h file : enable #define MKS_TS35_V2_0
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TFT_COLOR_UI
- Configuration.h file : enable #define TOUCH_SCREEN