3D_TOUCH - makerbase-mks/MKS-Robin-Nano-V2.X GitHub Wiki
Hardware connection
- 3D TOUCH or BLTOUCH connect to motherboard BLTOUCH interface, you need to pay attention to the 5V, GND S signal sequence
- About more information, you can refer to 3D Touch bltouch tutorial
How to buy
- 3D Touch on Aliexpress 3D Touch
Video Tutorials
- If display is LCD12864. It can be referred to LCD12864 3dtouch
Measure probe to nozzle offset
Refer to video tutorials for measurement method
The position of the probe in the coordinate system with the nozzle as the origin
Z value shall be accurate, and can be adjustment by z-offset
Connect motherboard
3D Touch work with z-axis endstop:
- 3D TOUCH's 3PIN connect to Bltouch interface
- 3D TOUCH's 2PIN connect to Z+ interface
3D Touch replace z-axis endstop:
- 3D TOUCH's 3PIN connect to Bltouch interface
- 3D TOUCH's 2PIN connect to Z- endestop interface
Firmware setting
1.Enable BLTOUCH for 3D Touch
- Configuration.h: #define BLTOUCH
- Configuration.h: #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR
3.Enable and set SERVOS number
- Configuration.h: #define NUM_SERVOS 1
4.Set pin port for servos
- pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO_V2.h: #define SERVO0_PIN PA8
5.Enable EEPROM_SETTINGS for store parameters
- Configuration.h: #define EEPROM_SETTINGS
6.Set endstop inverting type for 3D touch
- Configuration.h: #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false
7.Set pin port of 3D touch connection
- Configuration.h:#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN PC4 //Z-MAX
8.Set probe to nozzle offset to measurement before
- Configuration.h:#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 10, 10, 0 } //Measure probe to nozzle offset
9.Set distance between probe and the edge of the hotbed to prevent the probe from exceeding the hotbed
- Configuration.h:#define PROBING_MARGIN 10
10.Enable leveling range
- Configuration_adv.h
11.Set the number of grid points 3*3
- Configuration.h:#define GRID_MAX_POINTS_X 3
12.Add "set_bed_leveling_enabled(true);" at the end of file:"src -> gcode -> calibrate -> G28.cpp"
3D Touch replace z-axis endstop
According to the "3D Touch replace z-axis endstop" requirements Connect motherboard
Firmware setting(after normal firmware setting)
- Configuration.h
- Enable: #define Z_SAFE_HOMING
- Disable: //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN PC4 //Z-MAX
- Disable: //#define USE_ZMAX_PLUG
- Configuration.h
Adjust Z offset
LCD12864 3dtouch
For CLASSIC UI and COLOR UI, please refer toThe following steps are only applicable to LVGL UI:
- To set the auto leveling command, go to Settings->Config->Leveling settings->AutoLeveling command settings:
2.Enter the Tool interface, click the AutoLevel button, the screen jumps to the auto leveling prompt page:
3.After leveling is completed, the nozzle moves to the middle of the platform, and a folded A4 paper is placed under the nozzle:
4.After the leveling is completed, the screen jumps to the bl_touch_settings interface, and the height of the z-axis can be adjusted to make dragging the paper have a little resistance. Click the Save button, wait for the machine to be idle, click the Test button, wait for the machine to reach the middle of the platform, and drag the paper. If the paper is too tight or too loose, continue to click the "+" or "-" button to adjust the z-axis height, so that the dragging paper has a little resistance click Save, then wait for the machine to be idle, and click Test until the test result is correct.
5.After the test result is normal, perform a print test. If you need to fine-tune the print, you can enter Operation->babystepping to adjust the z-axis height.
How to use it
- After a successful autolevel, save parameters, no need level again
- After using for a period of time, if there is a leveling problem, can be autolevel and save parameters again