Example Projects (with photos) - majbthrd/pic16f1454-bootloader GitHub Wiki

Whether you like them or hate them, here are some personal projects where I used the pic16f1454-bootloader and example code available via this project site. How could you use the PIC16F1454 in your projects?

foot-activated keyboard

foot-activated keyboard

I got fed up with needing to trigger something on my PC whilst sitting at the lab bench with scope probes in both hands. My solution was to adapt the "passfob" example to work with a commercial foot switch.

isolated USB serial to USB serial cable

isolated USB serial to USB serial cable

This device has two PIC16F1454; each has the "minimalCDC" example loaded. They are interconnected with a Si8421 digital isolator. Both sides of the link see a USB CDC serial port, and each is electrically isolated from the other.

bare-bones PIC16F1454 breakout board

bare-bones PIC16F1454 breakout

This PCB plugs into a solderless breadboard and connects to a USB extension cable. I used it to develop the "blink0" and "somepixel" projects.

Dapper Miser

Dapper Miser

I believe this to be the least expensive to manufacture ARM development board with integrated debugger in the world. A PIC16F1454 works as a CMSIS-DAP debug interface for an ARM Cortex-M0 processor.

ANSI C12.18 Type 2 Optical Port adapter

This open-source hardware and software project leverages a PIC16F1459 to provide an optical serial port interface for power meters.

nRF24L01 adapter

A PIC16F1454 to nRF24L01 adapter

ESP8266 programmer

Why struggle with some generic USB to serial adapter when you could modify the "minimalCDC" example and use a PIC16F454 to not only provide the serial adapter, but provide the handshaking needed to reboot an ESP8266 into its firmware update mode?

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