GettingStarted - maismail/nilestore GitHub Wiki
Requirments: Nilestore is fully implemented in java so you need to install java runtime environment (JRE) first to use it.
- download the file from the download tab.
for linux users:
>> unzip -d nilestore
>> ls nilestore
lib/ nilestore nilestore-main-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- set NILESTORE_HOME environment variable with the path of the nilestore installation.
- add NILESTORE_HOME to your PATH.
- now type nilestore in your terminal/cmd, you should got the following output
Usage: Nilestore [options] [command] [command options]
-cl, --compression-level compression level for the compression filter
attached with the network component it takes values from 0
to 9
Default: 9
-h, --help help for command
-net, --network-cmp network component to be used. either mina or
Default: mina
-t, --num-threads num of used threads for kompics
Default: 8
create-introducer create an introducer node
create-client create a client node
create-monitor create a monitor node
run-simulator run nilestore simulator
start start a node
stop stop a node
put upload a file into the nilestore grid
get download a file from the nilestore grid using its capabaility
let's setup a simple Nilestore grid consisting of 2 Peers + Introducer in the same machine as processes as follows:
- Introducer
introducer could be created using the command create-introducer to get help on using that command you can type
>>nilestore -h create-introducer
create an introducer node
Usage: create-introducer [options]
-d, --node-directory node directory
Default: /home/USER/.nilestore
now we are going to create an introducer node on the directory introducernode as following
>>nilestore create-introducer -d introducernode
introducer node created @ introducernode
>>ls introducernode
log/ nilestore.conf
introducernode directory contains: 1. log directory which contains the log file and the log configuration file "Log4j Properties File" 1. nilestore.conf which is the configuration file for nilestore
>>cat introducernode/nilestore.conf
now we can start the introducer node as follows
>>nilestore start -d introducernode
[14:32:03,017] INFO {NsIntroducerMain} initiating minaNetwork with Address=0@localhost:12345,compressionLevel=9
[14:32:03,037] INFO {NsIntroducerMain} introducer initiated @ 0@localhost:12345
[14:32:03,039] INFO {NsIntroducerServer} Initiated @ 0@localhost:12345
after creating the introducer node now we are going to create the other two nodes
- Node1
>>nilestore create-client -d node1
client node created @ node1
>>ls node1
log/ nilestore.conf
the default configuration stored inside node1 are:
>>cat node1/nilestore.conf
nilestore.conf contains different sections; 1. introducer section which defines the ip and port used to communicate with the introducer node, 1. monitor section which defines if there are a monitor node to send our status to or not and its ip and port if it exists, 1. node section which defines the parameters of our node "Node1", 1. shares section which defines the encoding paramters used in uploading the files, 1. storage section which defines if that node has storage enabled or not.
now we can start node1 using the previous configuration
>>nilestore start -d node1
[15:21:30,935] INFO {NsPeerMain} initiating minaNetwork with Address=0@localhost:12346,compressionLevel=9
[15:21:31,083] INFO {NsPeerMain} peer initiated @ 0@localhost:12346
[15:21:31,092] INFO {NsWebServer} initiated @ http://localhost:8082
[15:21:31,119] INFO {NsPeer} node1 Started
[15:21:31,240] INFO {NsStorageServer} initiated with homeDir node1/
[15:21:31,241] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} started with storage sever enabled
[15:21:31,243] INFO {NsImmutableManager} started with encoding parameters = 131072-3-10
[15:21:31,243] INFO {NsConnectionFailureDetector} intitiated with delay=10000 msec and retries=2
[15:21:31,283] INFO {NsWebApplication} initiated
[15:21:32,040] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} got announcement from introducer with peers [node1(0@localhost:12346)]
[15:21:32,040] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} Current List of Servers
[15:21:32,040] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} =====================================================
[15:21:32,041] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} node1(0@localhost:12346)
[15:21:32,041] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} =====================================================
after starting node1 you can interact with the node either using the web browser at address http://localhost:8082 or using command line "nilestore put and nilestore get".
following the previous steps we could create node2, but we have to change the configuration file as follows:
Note that the previous changes of the port and the webport is only needed now because we are running a local processes but in case of actual deployment it isn't required to do so.
let's start node2
>>nilestore start -d node2
[15:31:49,334] INFO {NsPeerMain} initiating minaNetwork with Address=0@localhost:12347,compressionLevel=9
[15:31:49,471] INFO {NsPeerMain} peer initiated @ 0@localhost:12347
[15:31:49,500] INFO {NsWebServer} initiated @ http://localhost:8083
[15:31:49,500] INFO {NsPeer} node2 Started
[15:31:49,695] INFO {NsStorageServer} initiated with homeDir node2/
[15:31:49,712] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} started with storage sever enabled
[15:31:49,716] INFO {NsWebApplication} initiated
[15:31:49,717] INFO {NsConnectionFailureDetector} intitiated with delay=10000 msec and retries=2
[15:31:49,719] INFO {NsImmutableManager} started with encoding parameters = 131072-3-10
[15:31:49,975] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} got announcement from introducer with peers [node1(0@localhost:12346),node2(0@localhost:12347)]
[15:31:49,975] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} Current List of Servers
[15:31:49,975] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} =====================================================
[15:31:49,976] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} node1(0@localhost:12346)
[15:31:49,976] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} node2(0@localhost:12347)
[15:31:49,976] INFO {NsCentralizedAvailablePeers} =====================================================
- for now nilestore start command will run on the same process it will not create a process in the background so if you interrupted the execution using CTRL-C it will end that process, so as a temporary solution you can use the & for Linux Users as follows:
>>nilestore start -d introducernode &
[1] 15981
is the process id.
- web interface is only tested on google chrome