Setup tags and description - maise-guide/maise GitHub Wiki

Setup input tag description

JOBT structure analysis (00) use analysis tools specified by flags, evolutionary search (10) run (11) soft exit (12) hard exit (13) analysis, cell simulation (20) relaxation (21) molecular dynamics (22) phonon calculations, data parsing (30) prepare inputs for NN training , NN training (40) full training (41) stratified training
CODE Type of the code in use. (0) MAISE-INT (1) VASP-EXT (2) MAISE-EXT
NPAR Number of cores for parallel NN training or cell simulation
MINT The optimizer algorithm for the neural network training and the cell optimization. (gsl minimizer type (0) BFGS2 (1) CG-FR (2) CG-PR (3) steepest descent
MITR Maximum number of the optimization steps; if the desired accuracy is not reached for NN training or cell optimization steps
RLXT Cell optimization type (2) force only (3) full cell (7) volume (ISIF in VASP)
ETOL Error tolerance for training or cell optimization convergence
TEFS Training target value (0) E (1) EF (2) ES (3) EFS (4) TOY
FMRK Fraction of atoms that will be parsed to use for EF or EFS trainings
COUT Output type in the OUTCAR file in cell evaluation and optimization
NMAX Maximum number of atoms in the unit cell
MMAX Maximum number of neighbors within the cutoff radius
NSPC Number of element types for evolutionary search, parsing the data and neural network training.
TSPC Atomic number of the elements specified with NSPC tag
ASPC Number of atoms of each element for the evolutionary search
NSYM Number of the Behler-Parrinello symmetry functions for parsing data using the "basis" file
NCMP The length of the input vector of the neural network
NTRN Number of structures used for neural network trainin (negative number means percentage)
NTST Number of structures used for neural network testing (negative number means percentage)
NNNN Number of hidden layers in the neural network (does not include input vector and output neuron)
NNNU Number of neurons in hidden layers
NNGT Activation function type for the hidden layers' neurons (0) linear (1) tanh
EMAX Parse only this fraction of lowest-energy structures. From 0 to 1
FMAX Will not parse data with forces larger than this value
VMIN Will not parse data with volume/atom smaller than this value
VMAX Will not parse data with volume/atom larger than this value
NDIM Dimensionality of the unit cell in evolutionary search and cell optimization (3) crystal (2) film (0) particle
LBOX Box dimension for generating particles in evolutionary search in Angs (ignored for crystals)
NPOP Population size in the evolutionary search
SITR Starting iteration in the evolutionary search (0) start from random or specified structures
NITR Number of iterations in the evolutionary search (should be larger than SITR)
TINI Type of starting the evolutionary search when SITR=0
TIME Maximum time for cell relaxation in evolutionary search and cell optimization
PGPA Pressure in GPa
DENE Store distinct structures generated in evolutionary search in POOL/ if within this energy/atom (eV/atom) window from the ground state
KMSH K-mesh density used for VASP-EVOS. Suggested values: 0.30 for s/c, 0.05 for metals
SEED Starting seed for the random number generator in evolutionary search (0) Uses time as seed (+) The seed value
RAND Starting seed for the parsing of the dataset. (0) Uses time as seed (+) The seed value (-) No randomization: structures are parsed in listing order
TMIN Minimum temperature in MD runs (K)
TMAX Maximum temperature in MD runs (K)
TSTP Temperature step in MD runs (K) in running form TMIN to TMAX
DELT Time step in the MD runs
NSTP Number of steps per temperature in MD runs
CPLT Coupling constant in Nose-Hoover thermostat for MD runs. Suggested: 25.0
CPLP Coupling constant in Brendsen barostat for MD runs. Suggested: 100.0
ICMP Isothermal compressibility in Brendsen barostat for MD runs (in 1/GPa)
MOVI Number of steps after which a snapshot of structure will be saved during the MD run
MDTP MD run type (10) NVE (20) NVT: Nose-Hoover (30) NPT: Nose-Hoover and Brendsen (40) Isobaric (11,21,31,41) runs with velocisities read in from POSCAR file
DEPO Path to the DFT datasets to be parsed
DATA Location of the parsed data to parse or read for training (will be overwritten during parsing)
OTPT Directory for storing model parameters in the training process
EVAL Directory for model testing data
WDIR Work directory for evolutionary search, MD runs, etc.
TETR Fraction of the structures generated randomly using tetris operation. From 0 to 1
PLNT Fraction of the structures generated from seeds. From 0 to 1
PACK Fraction of the structures generated from closed-pack structures. From 0 to 1
BLOB Fraction of the structures generated randomly using blob shape. From 0 to 1
MATE Fraction of the structures generated by crossover using two halves from each parent. From 0 to 1
SWAP Fraction of the structures generated by crossover using core and shell of parents. From 0 to 1
RUBE Fraction of the structures generated by Rubik's cube operation. From 0 to 1
REFL Fraction of the structures generated by symmetrization via reflection. From 0 to 1
INVS Fraction of the structures generated by symmetrization via inversion. From 0 to 1
CHOP Fraction of the structures generated by chopping to make facets. From 0 to 1
MUTE Fraction of the structures generated by random distortions to the structure. From 0 to 1
MCRS 0.50 mutation rate in crossover
SCRS 0.00 crossover: swapping rate
LCRS 0.00 crossover: mutation strength for lattice vectors
ACRS 0.10 crossover: mutation strength for atomic positions
SDST 0.00 distortion: swapping rate
LDST 0.00 distortion: mutation strength for lattice vectors
ADST 0.20 distortion: mutation strength for atomic positions
ELPS 0.30 random: nanoparticle ellipticity