How to post an issue in the forums - mailchimp/mc-magento GitHub Wiki

#How to post an issue in the forums

Here you have some guidelines to post your issue in our forum in a way we can help you.

  • Before creating an issue, please search the forum for a response for the same situation like yours.
  • If you found something similar to your problem, please evaluate follow the same thread (this help other users to find solutions).
  • If you already have a thread about an issue, please don't open a new one for the same issue, if you do this the history of the issue is so hard to follow, keep all the history in the same thread
  • Post your Magento and Mailchimp4Magento exact version (please don't say something like "the last", specify your exact versions).
  • Let us know your extension configuration. The extension has a lot of options who changes the behavior, so is important to us know your configuration (please, attach an image of your configuration with your sensitive data protected)
  • Before post your issue enable both, the Magento general log and the Mailchimp4Magento extension log and take a look at the logs (the logs are in the var/log directory under your Magento root directory).
  • Before post your issue take a look at your apache/nginx error logs (typically they are under /var/log directory). If your don't know where this files are, ask to your support team or server provider.
  • Keep in mind, the logs are useful, try to attach it if your consider that would be useful.
  • Take your time, explain deeply and clearly your issue. The more specific and explained you are, the more help we can give you. (please don't post something like a screenshot with the syncs statistics, or saying 'the sync doesn't work', this doesn't help us)
  • If you have issues with the sync follow this steps:
  • Method 1
    • open a ssh console

    • go to your magento root directory

    • run the script apikey XXX [id], where XXX is

      • ORD if you have issues with the orders
      • QUO if you have issues with the carts
      • PRO if you have issues with the products
      • CUS if you have issues with the customers

      and apikey is your mailchimp api key and id is the id of your register (if you know it)

    • This script generate 2 files in the magento root directory, request.tgz and responses.tgz, keep them for sure we need them (but don't post them in the forum, they contain private information)

  • Method 2
    • Optionally, if you have version 1.1.5 and up, you can download individual response file from the error grid (Newsletter > Mailchimp Errors )
      • Search in the grid for the error and download the Response direct from the grid
      • Find the corresponding xxxx.request.log with the same batch id in var/log (where xxxx is the same batch id in the errors grid)
      • Copy the description error or capture a picture of the grid
      • Attach it all. Please note that some errors can have the same batch id, in this case you must attach only one time the request and the response.

Please help us to help you and make a better extension