API: Pretty::Method - maiha/pretty.cr GitHub Wiki
helps meta programming on Crystal.
Its call
method invokes methods dynamically via string of method name.
This is a shortcut for Pretty::Method(T).new(instance)
Pretty.method(1.5).call("ceil") # => 2.0
Pretty::Method(T)#call(name : String)
This invokes method represented by given string and returns the result T
if the method exists.
Otherwise, it raises Pretty::Method::NotFound
method = Pretty::Method(String).new("UserName")
method.call("underscore") # => "user_name"
method.call("upcase") # raises Pretty::Method::NotFound
Although String#upcase
exists, it raises NotFound
Because Pretty::Method
currently supports only following methods.
- public methods
- no arguments (include optional)
- no blocks
- defined in the class not in ancestors
Pretty::Method(T)#call?(name : String)
This is same as call
except it returns nil
rather than raising errors when method doesn't exist.
method = Pretty::Method(Array(Int32)).new([1,2])
method.call?("size") # => 2
method.call?("upcase") # => nil