Confluent kafka: kafka connect integration with File Source AND JDBC Sink Connector mysql - mahuadasgupta/kafkasetup GitHub Wiki
Use Cases :
- publish message to kafka topic and subsdcribe the same message from the topic
- read message from a kafka filestream and populate kafka topic
- read from a kafka topic and update a table
* yum install community-mysql* * service mysqld restart
confluent kafka setup:( linux )
* wget * tar -xzvf confluent-oss-4.1.0-2.11.tar.gz * cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin
start zookeeper server:
* cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin * ./zookeeper-server-start ../etc/kafka/ * ( if port is seen in output press ctrl-c and run below) ./zookeeper-server-start -daemon ../etc/kafka/ run netstat command to ensure zookeeper running in 2181 netstat -anp|grep 2181 tcp6 0 0 :::2181 :::* LISTEN 15418/javastart kafka server:
* ./kafka-server-start ../etc/kafka/ * (if socket connections on is seen in output press ctrl-c and run below) * ./kafka-server-start -daemon ../etc/kafka/ * 5c)run netstat command to ensure kafka running in 9092 * netstat -anp|grep 9092 * tcp6 0 0 :::9092 :::* LISTEN 15656/java6) create a topic:
./kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic poctopic Created topic "poctopic".
7) start producer in a terminal 7a)cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin 7b) ./kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic poctopic
- start kafka consumer in another terminal
8a)cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin 8b)[root@prathyusha bin]#./kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic poctopic --from-beginning
the purpose of kafka connect source is to act as a publisher by reading data from a source ( could be file) and put it on a kafka topic ( its a type of kafka streaming)
kafka conenct source steps:
1) edit&save file /opt/confluent-4.1.0/etc/kafka/ name=local-file-source connector.class=FileStreamSource tasks.max=1 file=/opt/confluent-4.1.0/test.txt topic=poctopic2 ) cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/ edit test.txt and put some content there 3) cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin ./connect-standalone ../etc/kafka/ ../etc/kafka/ 4) check on consumer it should apear with the content of test.txt in json format 5) again change the test.txt save and go back and check in consumer windo it should reaper with edited changes.step 1)export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:.:/opt/confluent-4.1.0//share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc/mysql-connector-java.jar:/opt/confluent-4.1.0//share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc/kafka-connect-jdbc-4.1.0.jar step 2)cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin step 3)./schema-registry-start ../etc/schema-registry/ step 4) open /opt/confluent-4.1.0//etc/schema-registry/ and change rest port to rest.port=18083 step 5) creat a file at kafka-connect-jdbc/ with bel content name=test-sink connector.class=io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector tasks.max=1 topics=poc connection.url=jdbc:mysql:// auto.create=true step 6) open a putty terminal ,cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/bin step 7)./connect-standalone ../etc/schema-registry/ ../etc/kafka-connect-jdbc/ ( this ensures that consumer is runnign and making connectivity to mysql on database pocTest. it must hang.) step 8)open a putty terminal ,cd /opt/confluent-4.1.0/binstep 9)./kafka-avro-console-producer
--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic orders
--property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"myrecord","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"}, {"name":"name", "type": "string"}, {"name":"city", "type": "int"}, {"name":"zip", "type": "int"}]}'this eill hang to get an input {"id": 999, "product": "foo", "quantity": 100, "price": 50} ( press enter) step 10) go to terminal which was opened by point 6) ( should see something like below without error)
[2018-04-27 11:26:05,158] INFO Checking table:poc exists for product:MySQL schema:null catalog: (io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.DbMetadataQueries:50) [2018-04-27 11:26:05,163] INFO product:MySQL schema:null catalog:pocTest -- table:poc is absent (io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.DbMetadataQueries:60) [2018-04-27 11:26:05,165] INFO Creating table:poc with SQL: CREATE TABLE `poc` ( `product` VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, `quantity` INT NOT NULL, `price` FLOAT NOT NULL, `id` INT NOT NULL) (io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.DbStructure:91) [2018-04-27 11:26:05,509] INFO Querying column metadata for product:MySQL schema:null catalog:pocTest table:poc (io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.DbMetadataQueries:84) [2018-04-27 11:26:05,573] INFO Updating cached metadata -- DbTable{name='poc', columns={product=DbTableColumn{name='product', isPrimaryKey=false, allowsNull=false, sqlType=12}, quantity=DbTableColumn{name='quantity', isPrimaryKey=false, allowsNull=false, sqlType=4}, price=DbTableColumn{name='price', isPrimaryKey=false, allowsNull=false, sqlType=7}, id=DbTableColumn{name='id', isPrimaryKey=false, allowsNull=false, sqlType=4}}} (io.confluent.connect.jdbc.sink.metadata.TableMetadataLoadingCache:49)go to database terminal where you opened mysql and check row is create mysql use pocTest
mysql> show tables -> ; +-------------------+ | Tables_in_pocTest | +-------------------+ | poc | +-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) > select * from poc -> ; +---------+----------+-------+-----+ | product | quantity | price | id | +---------+----------+-------+-----+ | foo | 100 | 50 | 999 |