World On Fire - mahjerion/Craft-to-Exile-Dissonance GitHub Wiki

Updated for 2.16.3

Table of Contents

  1. Primer
  2. Masteries
  3. Talent Tree
  4. Equipment
  5. What To Do After


Author: MystiqNova

In this build, we complement the innate strength of the Fire tree by allocating our points towards defense. We rely on the massive AOE abilities of the Fire tree to deal extensive damage, but the Fire tree alone is a good example of a "glass-cannon" build. Thus, before level 50, Gamechanger nodes Harmony and Mana Battery are taken to offset this imbalance. We take Harmony for two reasons:

  1. As a spell caster, you will mostly be going for cloth armor which grants Magic Shield (in my case, my Magic Shield is double my Health). We take Harmony to help with the slow regeneration of Magic Shield.
  2. Magma Flower (level 40) has an upgrade which allows you to heal based off the spell’s level. This in combination with other potential heals from teammates will recover your Energy Shield!

Mana Battery : In my adventures till now (level 40 - just beat Act V), my mana has never dropped below 60%. This is because of both my Mana pool and Mana Regen being very high. Thus, this supplementary Talent allows you to tank a bit more damage in case you get caught off-guard (mainly in certain map dimension dungeons).

From Level 1-10

Put one point into Fireball and a few into Flame Blitz. These spells scale with your Mastery and can quickly kill early-level enemies with ease Levels 1-10 shouldn't be too difficult, you can reach level 15-20 with ease just by following the Prelude (Overworld Chapter) in the quest book (Hotkey: P).

Primary Damage Source

  • Early: Fireball + Flame Blitz
  • Late: (Early) + Magma Flower, Volcano, Fire Bombs

Defensive Mechanism

  • Mana Battery (reduces damage by expending mana)
  • Mana Shield
  • Eventually, Harmony + Magma Flower


  • Primary: Fire
  • Secondary: Divine or Ocean
  1. Fireball: basic spam spell, 1 or 2 points are enough since this spell scales off your Mastery level.
  2. Flame Blitz: a low cooldown spammable AOE that scales off your weapon damage. Good at keeping enemies at bay.
  3. Burn: a required passive as the DoT reduces resists and also deals damage.
  4. Spell Blade: this active buff lasts 15 seconds and provides 50% physical damage gained as fire damage, and an additional 50% Fire Infusion. Combine this with Flame Blitz and watch the mobs burrrrn. Also, the synergy Flame Blade further enhances this ability by giving your attacks a small AOE!
  5. Fire Bombs: just 1 "value" point is enough. Helps you to keep mobs away for a bit while retreating. It deals moderate damage, so you can weave them in between other spells to increase your overall DPS.
  6. Magma Flower: Poor man’s World on fire. Spawns a flower at the location you throw the “seed”, and it constantly deals fire damage around it at a certain rate. Really good AOE DPS spell - combine them with your Fire Bombs and Flame blitz and see a whole bunch of mobs just get incinerated. Plus, its second upgrade allows you to heal off it (synergises with Harmony to help you recover your Magic Shields in a pinch)!
  7. Volcano: Not satisfied with the damage output from the other spells? Add more AOE Burn! Although it has a higher cooldown and a 3 second cast time, it's an absolute beast of a spell with also scales off of your attack damage. The perfect time to cast this is always after a Magma Flower and Flame Blitz while the mobs are staggered. By the time your cast is done, you can cast Fire Bombs and a second set of Flame Blitz, all while casting Fire Balls in between.
  8. Blazing Inferno: this isn't recommended to be used offensively due to its low range. I use it when I'm being chased and need to create some space. Since it scales off your attack damage, it's a decent pick-up.

Mobs Rarely have a chance to catch up to you, so unless you are extremely ill-positioned or it's one of those stupid Champions Strays (I'm warning you, they have aim-bot), you are pretty much safe from everything else. I didn't include meteor in this build because I had a very hard time landing meteors properly in between spell casts, so I skipped it.

Level ~45 Fire Tree


Talent Tree

  • Grab all the Spell Damage and Fire Damage clusters early-on.
  • Power Overwhelming for a large damage boost.
  • You want to prioritize getting Mana Battery, then Harmony once you have sufficient Magic Shield.
  • If you can find a good Elemental Damage staff, then Staff Damage and Staff Elemental Damage nodes are really good since they scale with Flame Blitz.
  • Optionally, you can get Magical Life instead of Harmony. User-preference.
  • Other notable picks: 25% physical damage gained as fire damage and bonus elemental damage benefit Flame Blitz greatly. Cooldown Reduction nodes are also optional but recommended.

Level ~45 Talent Tree



  • Early on, you shoud look out for cloth armor with lots of Magic Shield. Who needs Dodge and Armor if mobs never reach you? =P
  • Keep an eye out for Spell Damage, Fire Damage, Fire Penetration, and Fire Infusion for offense. Mana Regen, Magic Shield Regen, Spell Lifesteal and some Energy nodes will be necessary for defense.

What To Do After

Since I'm currently still around level 50, so I can't really tell what happens from here. But I can share and give the general idea on how to scale these skills into another tree

  1. Trying for Vampire Talent and Elemental Purity are my primary objectives as of now.
  2. Branch into Divine for Healing Wave, Wizardry, and Purifying Fires (since it scales off your attack damage and Fire bonuses, it'll be a good addition to your arsenal). Both Healing Wave and Holy Flower can complement your Regen and support your teammates. The Wizardry Buff is really good for your Mana Regen and Spell Damage, and it lasts for 10 minutes on a single cast!
  3. Another possibility is to branch into the Ocean tree for the slows.