Console IO - mahilab/MEL GitHub Wiki
Since your MEL applications will most likely be driven from the command line, MEL provides user friendly console I/O functions in the header:
#include <MEL/Core/Console.hpp>
Here's a few ways you can display information:
print("Hello, World!");
print("Data:", std::vector<double>({1,2,3,4,5}));
color_print("This message has red text on a green background", Color::Red, Color::Green);
Here's a few ways you can get user input:
prompt("Press Enter to Advance the Program");
char key;
while (key != 'x') {
key = get_key();
Users often spam Ctrl-C to kill an application. Pressing Ctrl-C is considered a "control event" and unless you catch it, your program will automatically abort by default. This may have devastating effects if your app is in the middle of controlling real-hardware. MEL provides the ability to register control event handlers:
ctrl_bool g_stop_flag(false);
bool my_handler(CtrlEvent event) {
if (event == CtrlEvent::CtrlC) {
print("Ctrl-C Pressed! Aborting Application!");
g_stop_flag = true;
return true;
int main() {
while (!g_stop_flag) {
// code that would cause catastrophic
// failure if not gracefully ended
Finally, MEL provides a class Options to parse user input from the command line at start-up:
Options options("options.exe", "Simple Program Demonstrating Options");
("i,integer", "Gets an integer from user.", value<int>())
("d,double", "Gets a double from user.", value<double>())
("h,help", "Prints helpful information.");
which could then be invoked from the console in ways such as:
> options.exe --help
> options.exe -h
> options.exe --integer 7
> options.exe -d 3.14
The options are then parsed and the values entered can be retrieved and used later on.
Example | Description |
ex_hello_world.cpp | Prints "Hello, World!" using MEL print() |
ex_chat.cpp | A console based chat room over a network |
ex_ctrl_c_handling.cpp | Overview of catching control events |
ex_options.cpp | Overview of the Options class |
ex_keyboard.cpp | Windows only Keyboard input |