Requirements - maheedhar1998/AddMe GitHub Wiki
- User can Login
User can Sign Up
2.1 Use Google
2.2 Use Email
2.3 Use Facebook
User can use the camera
3.1 Camera can scan QR codes
Initiate Firebase database
4.1 Link the database to the app
Activate the Authentication for Firebase
5.1 Login and Sign Up functionality
Generate a QR Code
6.1 Embed QR Code with User Data
6.2 Display the generated QR Code
User can see their own profiles
7.1 Display Personal Profile
7.1.1 Display Personal Contact Info 7.1.2 Display Personal Social Media Links 7.1.3 Display a Link to the QR Code
7.2 Display Professional Profile
7.2.1 Display Professional Contact Info
7.2.2 Display Professional Social Media Links
7.2.3 Display a Link to the QR Code
- User can see a List of their Contacts
8.1 Each contact takes to that person's profile page
8.1.1 Display the Other Person's Info
8.1.2 Display Other Person's Social Media Links
8.1.3 User can add the Other Person to their phone's native contacts app
- User can Edit their Personal Info
- User can Edit their Personal/Professional Social Media
10.1 User can Add Social Media
10.2 User can Update Social Media
10.3 User can Remove Social Media
- User can Customize what to share
- User can Enable/Disable Dark Mode change color scheme
User can Edit their Account Info
13.1 User can Update their Password
13.2 User can Update their Username
13.3 User can Update their Email
- User can Delete their Account