Criteria - magroski/frogg GitHub Wiki
Model Criteria usage example:
class ModelCriteria extends Frogg\Model\Criteria
* @return \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria
public function ofUser($id)
return $this->where('user_id = '.$id);
$result = Model::query()->ofUser(1)->where('x' > 'y')->execute();
$firstItem = Model::query()->criteria()->findFirstById($id);
Global Criteria usage example:
class Model extends Frogg\Model
* @return ModelCriteria
public static function query(DiInterface $dependencyInjector = null)
return parent::query($dependencyInjector)->addSoftDelete();
// this result applies softDelete for default, so all 'deleted = 1' results will be filtered
// (this filter is added at the end of the query)
$result = Model::query()->where('x' > 'y')->execute();
// but you can remove a global criteria calling removeCriteriaName
$resultWithDeleted = Model::query()->removeSoftDelete()->where('x' > 'y')->execute();
// or for this specific method, we have an alias
$resultWithDeleted = Model::query()->withDeleted()->where('x' > 'y')->execute();
Debugg tip
You can get some infos like:
$builder = Model::query()->where('x' > 'y');
$phql = $builder->getPhql();
$buildedQuery = $builder->getQuery();
$criterias = $builder->getActiveCriterias();