Features - magritte-metamodel/magritte GitHub Wiki
Comparison via Descriptions
The message #isSameAs:
determines whether the fields described by an object's Magritte descriptions are all equal for two objects. To have #=
work the same way, simply delegate like so:
= rhs
^ self isSameAs: rhs
Note that, whenever you redefine #=
it is important to redefine #hash
appropriately. Luckily, there is #maHash
which bitXor-s the field values. Another quick delegation and you're in business:
^ self maHash
Meta-Described Accessors
Given aDescription
, like MABooleanDescription new
, you can now work with accessors via Magritte (e.g. in a Morphic form).
As a test, let's try to use our description to read Smalltalk os isMacOSX:
In a MA Morphic form, click "Remove" for the current null accessor.
Now choose MAChainAccessor
from the dropdown
In the popup form:
a. For the first accessor, choose MASelectorAccessor
the dropdown and fill os
into the edit field
b. For the second accessor, choose MASelectorAccessor
the dropdown and fill isMacOSX
into the edit field
Now, DoIt: myDescription read: Smalltalk "==> true | false"