Conditions - magritte-metamodel/magritte GitHub Wiki
Field Relationships
When a Condition depends upon multiple fields, the pattern is to add it to the container description. For example:
^ super descriptionContainer
addCondition: [ :obj | (obj readUsing: self descriptionIncludesDay) or: [ obj readUsing: self descriptionIncludesNight ] ]
labelled: 'Neither day or night is selected'
You'll notice that fields are accessed via #readUsing:
and not directly via their getter messages. This is because obj
may be either your domain object (e.g. via maValidate) or a Memento object representing it (e.g. via a Magritte form). #readUsing:
is polymorphic and will work in either context, unlike getters which will only work on the domain object, or cache at:
which will only work on MACachedMemento
Inter-Condition Dependencies
There are situations when it only makes sense to validate a condition if another condition has passed. For example, say I want to see if a date is a holiday. That would only make sense if date
was valid. We recently added MADescription>>#addCondition:labelled:ifValid:
to handle this case[1]. Just pass the description depended on as the last argument.
- Before there was a formal way to declare this in the API, in such cases, one could use a guard like the following
addCondition: [ :obj | ("check dependency") or: [ "validation requiring a date" ]