SDK Build Environment for Android Platform - magic-lantern-android-studio/mle-documentation GitHub Wiki
This page discusses how to build the Magic Lantern SDK for Android platforms using Android Studio on an Apple Macintosh or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS host development platform. The SDK is built targeting the Android Q Platform (version 29).
Note: A top-level build script does not yet exist for this project.
Table of Contents
- Dependencies
- Assumptions
- Download Source
- Build Source
- Build Core Math Utility Library
- Build Core Runtime Engine Library
- Build Application Framework Base Library
- Build Application Framework Media Reference Library
- Build Application Framework Roles Library
- Build Application Framework Props Library
- Build Application Framework Stages Library
- Build Application Framework Sets Library
- Build Application Framework Actors Library
- Testing
This section identifies dependencies for building the Magic Lantern SDK.
- Google's Android Studio, version 4.1.2 (see Android Studio Installation for more details).
- Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK), version 1.8.0_221 Required by Android Studio (download from
- Python, version 2.7.6
These instructions assume the following:
- The dependencies above are installed in their default locations.
- You already know how to use the Android Studio IDE.
- You already know how to administer an Apple Macintosh or Ubuntu Linux machine.
Download Source
The source for the Android Studio projects are currently located on Github under the Magic Lantern Android Studio organization (
Create a Project Directory
In a console window, create a project directory:
$ mkdir ~/MagicLantern
Note: "~" is your home directory (e.g. /home/msm).
Retrieve Source Using Git
In a console window, clone the git repositories from Github:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
You should now have thirteen Android Studio projects located in
Project | Description |
~/MagicLantern/core-math | Magic Lantern Math utility library |
~/MagicLantern/core-runtime | Magic Lantern Runtime Engine library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-base | Magic Lantern Parts support library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-actors | Magic Lantern Actors library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-roles | Magic Lantern Roles library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-sets | Magic Lantern Sets library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-stages | Magic Lantern Stages library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-mrefs | Magic Lantern Media Reference library |
~/MagicLantern/parts-props | Magic Lantern Properties library |
~/MagicLantern/titles-imagetest | Magic Lantern Image Test application |
~/MagicLantern/titles-cubetest | Magic Lantern Cube Test application |
~/MagicLantern/titles-hellocube | Magic Lantern HelloCube application |
~/MagicLantern/mle-tools | Magic Lantern Tools |
Retrieve Source Using repo
Alternatively, you can use the "repo" tool from Google (see repo Installation Instructions) to download the source.
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ repo init -u
$ repo sync
Build Core Math Utility Library
To build the Magic Lantern Core Math library, mlmath.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/core-math". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/core-math" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "core-math" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mlmath.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mlmath-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the mlmath.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, core-math, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ core-math
The output should look like:
Staging core-math...
Updating parts-base
Updating parts-props
Updating parts-roles
Updating parts-sets
Updating parts-stages
Updating parts-actors
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Core Runtime Engine Library
To build the Magic Lantern Core Runtime Engine library, mlert.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/core-runtime". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/core-runtime" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "core-runtime" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-runtime->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mlert.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mlert-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the mlert.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, core-runtime, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ core-runtime
The output should look like:
Staging core-runtime...
Updating parts-actors
Updating parts-base
Updating parts-mrefs
Updating parts-props
Updating parts-roles
Updating parts-sets
Updating parts-stages
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Base Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, parts.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-base". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-base" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-base" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-base->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The parts.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The parts-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Build min3d Aar
The min3d-debug.aar module may need to be built. If so, then select the "Make Module 'parts-base.min3d'" sub-menu item found in the pull-down menu when "Build" is selected.
This should build the parts-base/min3d/build/outputs/aar/min3d-debug.arr Android archive file.
Stage Jars
Copy the parts.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-base, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-base
The output should look like:
Staging parts-base...
Updating parts-actors
Updating parts-mrefs
Updating parts-props
Updating parts-roles
Updating parts-sets
Updating parts-stages
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Updating test-min3d_01
Updating test-min3d_02
Build Application Framework Media Reference library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, mrefs.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-mrefs". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-mrefs" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-mrefs" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-mrefs->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mrefs.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The mrefs-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the mrefs.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-mrefs, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-mrefs
The output should look like:
Staging parts-mrefs...
Updating parts-actors
Updating parts-roles
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Roles Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, roles.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-roles". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-roles" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-roles" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-roles->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The roles.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The roles-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the roles.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-roles, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-roles
The output should look like:
Staging parts-roles...
Updating parts-props
Updating parts-sets
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Props Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, props.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-props". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-props" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-props" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-props->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The props.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The props-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the props.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-props, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-props
The output should look like:
Staging parts-props...
Updating parts-actors
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Stages Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, stages.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-stages". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-stages" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-stages" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-stages->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The stages.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The stages-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the stages.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-stages, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-stages
The output should look like:
Staging parts-stages...
Updating parts-sets
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Sets Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, sets.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-sets". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-sets" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-sets" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-sets->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The sets.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The sets-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the sets.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-sets, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-sets
The output should look like:
Staging parts-sets...
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Build Application Framework Actors Library
To build the Magic Lantern Base library, actors.jar, open the existing Android Studio project found at "~/MagicLantern/parts-actors". In the Android Studio launch screen, select "Open an Existing Project". In the "Open File or Project" dialog panel, navigate to "~/MagicLantern/parts-actors" directory and select "OK". This will bring up the main Android Studio IDE, showing the "parts-actors" project in the "Project" window (you may need to expand this Window to see the project). By default, the project should successfully build.
Note: You may need to install the build tools and sync the project before the build is successful. The "Messages Gradle Sync" window will display an Error if this is the case.
Export Jars
Export the jar by running the "exportJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "parts-actors->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The actors.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Export Sources Jar
The source files may also be exported to a jar by running the "exportSourcesJar" Gradle task. To do this, open the "Gradle" window and navigate to the "core-math->app->Tasks->other" folder. There you should see an "exportSourcesJar" task; run the task by selecting it (double-click). The actors-sources.jar library will be created in the project's "app/release" directory.
Stage Jars
Copy the actors.jar library to the other Magic Lantern projects that are dependent upon it. This can be done by running the "~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/" python script. Pass in the name of the project, parts-actors, to copy the jar library:
$ cd ~/MagicLantern
$ ~/MagicLantern/mle-tools/scripts/ parts-actors
The output should look like:
Staging parts-actors...
Updating titles-imagetest
Updating titles-modeltest
Updating titles-hellocube
Updating titles-cubetest
Unit Tests
Unit tests are available for the following SDK components
Test Applications
The Magic Lantern SDK provides several test applications or titles.