Release - magento/magento-coding-standard GitHub Wiki

Steps to release the Magento Coding Standard

In order to avoid broken builds in the Magento ecosystem and major issues, we would like to check the magento-coding-standard against magento2ce and magento2ee prior to the release.

Check magento-coding-standard in advance

The following instructions work for both magento2ce and magento2ee.

First of all, you'll need to get the latest changes from develop branch git pull origin 2.4-develop ([email protected]:magento-commerce/magento2*e.git).

Then, you'll need to update the composer.json file as follows:

    "require-dev": {
        "magento/magento-coding-standard": "dev-[branch]"
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": "[fork]/magento-coding-standard"



  • fork: your own fork or magento if you have already merged your changes
  • branch: in case changes are not merged it will be your development branch, otherwise develop

Now, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open a PR (for both repos) and run tests using @magento run all tests (write it as a comment on the magento2ce PR)
  • If static tests fail 🔴 , then you need to perform changes in your code and you should not merge changes to master branch
  • If tests all tests are green 🟢 (specifically, we need Static tests to be green) you can proceed with the release

Create a magento-coding-standard release

  1. Open a PR for magento-coding-standard repo and merge your branch to develop if you haven't done this already
  2. Create a new branch from develop (i.e., release-vN)
  3. Increment the version in composer.json
  4. Run composer update to update the composer.lock
  5. Open a PR on magento-commerce/magento-coding-standard and merge it to develop branch
  6. Merge develop branch to master branch creating a new PR on magento-commerce/magento-coding-standard
  7. Create a new release on Github
  8. Ensure the new version is available in packagist
  9. :loudspeaker: Notify the #coding-standard channel (from the Magento Open Source workspace)
  10. Update composer.lock for magento-commerce/magento2ce and magento-commerce/magento2ee running composer update magento/magento-coding-standard
  11. Open a PR (for both repos) and run tests @magento run all tests
  12. :ballot_box_with_check: Make sure that all tests are green 🟢 (they should be green since you did not perform further changes)
  13. You'll need to update composer.json for other repos such as magento-api-index, mray and uct. We need magento-coding-standard pointing to the newest release.
  14. Update composer.lock for each repo you required by running composer update magento/magento-coding-standard
  15. Open a PR for each repo you have updated and merge changes to develop