11 Risks & Technical Debt - maex0/SoftwareQualityWithCats GitHub Wiki

Technical risks

Risk Concequences Severity
Unstable dependencies: The project uses a variety of dependencies, some of which may be unstable or deprecated. The program does not work as expected or can not start because of an internal error. +++
External API unavailable: The project may fail to fetch cat images from TheCatAPI if the service is shut down or becomes unavailable. The program does not work without cat images from the external Cat API https://thecatapi.com +++
Database connection: The project may fail to connect to the database, leading to data loss or corruption. The user can like and dislike images but on startup, the recent likes will not be displayed. ++
Security vulnerabilities: The project may contain security vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. The user's data could be stolen or manipulated. +++