jans cli Cheat sheet - maduvena/jans-docs GitHub Wiki

1. OpenID Discovery endpoint / Well-known endpoint

curl https://jans-ui.jans.io/.well-known/openid-configuration

2. Client creation


  1. Download this json file, update the values and save it as client.json
  2. Run curl command
curl -X POST https://my.jans.server/jans-auth/restv1/register -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d @/some/directory/client.json

Further reading

2. Enable and modify an authentication script


  1. Download this json file, update the values and save it as script.json
  2. Run curl command
  3. Or run cli command Further reading

3. add scope to client

4. get grant_types for client

5. add OpenID scope and map to database attribute

6. Add users

7. Obtain and Access Token or ID token