Endpoints introspection - maduvena/jans-docs GitHub Wiki


  • administration
  • auth-server
  • endpoint
  • introspection
  • accessTokenAsJwt
  • introspectionScriptBackwardCompatibility

Introspection endpoint

The URI to invoke the Introspection Endpoint in Janssen Auth Server can be found by checking the introspection_endpoint claim of the OpenID Connect configuration response, typically deployed at https://<my.jans.server>/.well-known/openid-configuration

"introspection_endpoint" : "https://<my.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/introspection"


curl -X 'GET'   'https://<my.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/introspection?token=368fea2b-be14-4d30-bd57-bcc4cde2033c&response_as_jwt=false'   -H 'accept: application/json' -H   "Authorization: Bearer 111d51a4-2828-4b47-abce-77034cddcfb5"


    "sub": "",
    "iss": "https://<my.jans.server>",
    "active": true,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "client_id": "1800.df1bb233-10b8-40ed-bbb9-07da50892a35",
    "aud": "1800.df1bb233-10b8-40ed-bbb9-07da50892a35",
    "nbf": null,
    "scope": "https://jans.io/oauth/config/scripts.write",
    "acr_values": null,
    "cnf": null,
    "exp": 1668705523,
    "iat": 1668705223,
    "jti": null,
    "username": null



curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://<my.jans.server>/jans-auth/restv1/introspection' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'token=eyJra....3ZkB-Ajwg'  
  -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJra...BpKo7g"


    "sub": "",
    "iss": "https://<my.jans.server>",
    "active": true,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "client_id": "3000.5829c1f8-7554-41ab-a7d6-3513a5e9c4ad",
    "aud": "3000.5829c1f8-7554-41ab-a7d6-3513a5e9c4ad",
    "nbf": null,
    "scope": "",
    "acr_values": null,
    "cnf": null,
    "exp": 1668941216,
    "iat": 1668781885,
    "jti": null,
    "username": null

Customizing the behavior of AS

Configure the Janssen AS using steps explained in the link

  1. As the access token has sufficient entropy, and a short lifetime, authentication should not be required. Configure the Janssen AS to reflect introspectionSkipAuthorization=true (default value false)

  2. In order to be run and Introspection script should be associated with an OpenID Client (used for obtaining the token). Another way of doing this is by setting the introspectionScriptBackwardCompatibility global Auth Server JSON Configuration Property to true. In this case the Auth Server will run all scripts and will do so by ignoring client configuration.

Introspection interception script

By using the power IntrospectionType custom script, one can modify claims of an Access token as JWT. To do this:

  1. Configure the Client using steps explained in the link Update the following parameters for the client
  • accessTokenAsJwt = true
  • runIntrospectionScriptBeforeJwtCreation = true
  1. Script Introspection Script Guide


  1. Reference

  2. Swagger doc - https://github.com/JanssenProject/jans/blob/main/jans-auth-server/docs/swagger.yaml

  3. Useful tool - jwt.io to inspect a JWT


  1. How is UpdateTokenType script different? - Article